Man dropped in a woman’s body – How hard could it be?

Is your daughter actually a son? Or a man dropped in a woman’s body?

While many parents have accepted this fact about their children, there are still some parents who find it hard to accept this. Acceptance is the key. Mothers should actually learn to accept that their daughter is not really a girl to begin with. We parents should be the first to reach out so that it is easier for them to blend in the society.

If your daughter decides it is high time to get out of the closet and be who they really are inside, then support them. If they want to go through a more serious decision – being a transmen, your support is really important to them. Know that that they are going through a lot of issues too, both physically and emotionally. They need to be accepted in the community and it all starts in the family.

Transgenders blend well in the society

Their confused identity is already killing them and adding pressure to what they already have is just adding another weight on their shoulders. Come to think of it, they have to work harder than regular men to become a man. To hide the obvious of womanhood is hard enough – being accepted is harder. In the long run, when they have the enough finances, they start Testosterone shots to grow facial hair and build muscles. After two decades of Testosterone shots and sex therapy, they physically transform from being a woman to man.

Where transition starts…

The transition starts with a mastectomy where the surgeon removes breast tissue. The surgery will also have to consider reducing the size of the nipples in order to mimic a man’s body. Top surgery is important for them to reflect the inner personality and gives them a chance to feel themselves. This procedure also helps them feel more accepted by the community. Although being a transgender is accepted some parts of the world, there is still a problem of awareness, cultural barriers and morality. For the most part, they are bullied and abused if not physically, it is verbally. A transgender says they willingly went through this surgery because they wish to be regarded as who they feel they were supposed to be, to be as transparent as see through canoe on the water.

Parents are not to blame.

While a few member of the society throws the blame on parenting, there is actually no one to blame. Reports say that there is an explanation to this fact. Understanding identities and expressions is what the society needs to begin with. Designated sex at birth is, basically, the gender you were provided; male or woman. Gender identity will be the way someone really wants to be, whatever the sex is at birth. Gender expression is the way you need the world to see you, the way you really feel inside. And there is gender orientation which pertains to the people one is attracted to regardless of what sex they belong to.

So if one day, you wake up and your child makes a confession about their identity crisis, punishment is not they key. What they need is love, understanding and support.
