Understanding Maturity in a Relationship

So many people are seeking some advice with regards to their relationship. There are couples who have very common questions like:

  • How to forgive their partner?
  • How they can move on from past relationships? And;
  • How to become the more mature person in the relationship?

On the last question though, there are a few topics and discussions talking about maturity in a relationship.

The Many Definitions of Maturity

There can be so many definitions on how you can become mature in a relationship. First things first, it can be on the ability of basing a decision regarding love. Another one is the ability to appreciate instant gratification associated with romance and love of the moment and be patient as your love grows. Simply speaking, mature couples are seeking new ways on how they can help each to grow.

Yet another possible definition for a mature relationship is sticking to a given situation until it’s finished. To give you an example, when someone we know appears to be changing partners, job or group of friends every now and then, we have the tendency of labeling them as immature. It is because we see them as lacking the commitment to something or to someone that’s on progress.

But if we are going to look at that person’s point of view, it may be that they simply want situation and things to be easy. That’s why the moment they have encountered challenges along the way, they oftentimes jump over to another situation or person.

For many couples in the same workplace such as in the real estate industry (Schatuwhuiswaarde), dealing with maturity in a relationship could be a challenge.

So what’s Maturity?

Here is something you must be aware of, maturing is knowing that you cannot have everything in how you wanted it to. Additionally, the fact that you can face your frustrations, obstacles, discomforts as well as defeats without making complaints. Being the mature person in a relationship means to love unconditionally and being able to make the necessary adjustments to situations, time and people whenever necessary.
