The Hoarding Syndrome Among Shopaholic Females

Mountains of clothes, brand new shoes never worn, all piled up inside the home of a divorced young woman who is coping up with depression through shopping but has gone out of control.

She shops online claiming that this store, they offer the best upholstery fabric online. She goes on to make a purchase. But her purchase remains untouched in her home. Adding up to the pile of stuff that she already has.

Her shopping addiction turned her beautiful home into a closet filled with piles and piles of clothes, shoes, and accessories. Most of them were never worn. She has gone from this rich divorcee to poor and under debt divorcee.

Good news is, it’s never too late to stop and start a healthier hobby.

Saving the Shopaholic

Through the intervention of a regular show in the US, she was eventually saved from the person she doesn’t really want to be. In her interview, she confessed to having spent more than half a million dollars in her shopping spree.

Even after she declared bankruptcy, her problem continued to spiral as she continued shopping and spending more than what she can afford.

According to experts, people who are hoarding have 20% more trauma than the average person. In this divorcee’s case, it was precipitated by a divorce.

TODAY: When compulsive shopping becomes a painful obsession

Are you a hoarding shopaholic?
If you think you have the symptoms of a Shopaholic, schedule an appointment with a professional help before it’s too late. You don’t want to be buried in debt, this just adds up to the problem that you already have.

How to conquer shopping addiction?

Find out the trigger factor of your shopping addiction. In the case of the divorced mom, her trigger factor was the unsuccessful marriage which can be fixed through series of counseling and eventually finding the right partner in life.

For some women, the most common trigger factor is boredom especially among women who spend most of their time at home and has a few things to call recreation. If this is the case, keep yourself busy. Fill your time with more relevant things. If this doesn’t appeal to you, talk to a professional.
