How Music Mend A Broken Heart

Let’s see how music can certainly help mend your damaged heart. We were all there sometime in our lives. Having a feeling that there’s a huge hole came to live deep in our chest.

It could be a loss of a loved one, a friend hurting, or a recent breakup from a long term relationship. The feeling is just heartbreaking and there are no words to explain the pain that’s embedded deep in our hearts. But there is a cure to help heal from a broken heart. Science says that music can actually help a person heal from such a broken heart. Music therapy can, in fact, help anyone heal from any agonizing circumstances in our lives.

How music affects your brain

Biologists claim that when we are physically in pain, the same parts of the brain light up when we are hurt. In the case of neurons, emotional stress is a physical injury. This adds cortisone levels to our system that causes muscle tension, leading to the blood flowing out of our “gutts” and causing pain.

It’s our brain that actually triggers this pain, and we understand that music has a strong impact on the human brain. The simple act of listening to music leads to the discharge of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with the brain’s reward system. But what is even more remarkable is its impact on pain.

Scientific tests have shown that listening to music changes people’s perceptions of agonizing stimuli and enhances control. Simple things like melody have a direct impact on our neural pathways. Self-expression does the same thing. When you write about hurting emotions taps on the neurochemical routes of healing and happiness.

As one writes a song, a tune may commence like a bunch of messy chords. However, by editing, reworking and weaving thoughts directly into words of the tune, a song that reflects sadness will eventually be collected.

So if you are experiencing a broken heart, turn on the radio. Listen to your favorite music. Or ask the DJ to play your favorite music to help you heal. On the other hand, if you are the DJ, you can get relief from the reward system by getting your favorite DJ equipment from Team 9 or other shops that offer it.
